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Special Report

In the First Person: Report on Conditions in Peru   

Today, August 21, six days after the quake the aftershocks continue.  In the cities that were the hardest hit, there was another 5.2 shake today that brought down most the buildings that were still standing.    The chaos and disbelief is overwhelming. Even with all the aid, both from the rest of Peru and the international community, the situation goes from bad to worse.    Epidemics are breaking out, as is customary after such a disaster and there seems to be no end in sight. Everyday they are finding     more bodies in the rubble and the collective psychosis rises to the surface  every time there is another shake.        

The churches continue to be packed, throughout the country, and today we were all in solidarity with the people in the Caribbean who were dealing with the hurricanes.  We also saw the terrible floods and storms in the USA.  What is all this saying to us about these drastic events in our world? 

Lima is on full alert as they are predicting a possible stronger earthquake for us and so we are trying to realistically plan for actions to be taken if this should occur.  Remembering our reactions on the 15th of August, fear and panic sometimes over rides plans of action.   

Once again thank you all for your emails and calls.  It is wonderful to know of your thoughts and prayers.  

Maureen Robinson, OP (Sparkill)
with the Maryknoll Missioners


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