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Eucharistic Missioner Participants in WCC Panel on Global Conflict and Violence

December 11, 2006 --Eucharistic Missionary Dominican, Sr. Rachel Sena,OP was among other panelists at a consultation at the World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting in Cret-Berard, Puidoux, Switzerland. The meeting took place December 5-8, 2006. The meeting is an ongoing effort to facilitate theological reflection on global conflict and peace within the context of the WCC Decade to Overcome Violence. The theme of the consultation is titled: Cruelty - The Ugly Face of Violence. Rachel was one of several panelists and her topic is Xenophobia and Immigration.

Before leaving for the meeting, Rachel said, "The invitation to participate in a conference hosted by the World Council of Churches Secretariat of
Faith and Order is a joy. I look forward to sharing my pastoral experience of immigration and its gifts to us as church, country and committed disciples of the Risen Lord."

Rachel is the director of the Maya Ministry Office, which provides pastoral care to the Native American Mayas, and a family literacy program for illiterate immigrant families in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Learn more about the World Council of Churches and this conference.

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