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Immigration Advocacy Draws Catholic Leaders
To Move Toward A Common Cause

WASHINGTON, DC In an unusual opportunity to work together for a common cause, a number of Catholic leadership organizations have joined forces to advocate for fair and humane immigration reform.

The diverse coalition includes the US Conference of Catholic Bishops; the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR); the Immigration Committee of the Dominican North American Promoters of Justice; the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy and NETWORK ,the Catholic Alliance for the Common Good; and CLINIC (Catholic Legal Immigration Center) among others.

According to Catholic News Service, the US Bishops want "comprehensive reform" that deals compassionately with the millions of undocumented aliens in the United States, Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington said in brief remarks at a photo opportunity between meetings on Capitol Hill.

On May 4th, the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy, based in Silver Spring, MD, called for "humane and just immigration legislation that will rightly open the path for immigrant men, women and children to be full and active participants in our country’s future.”

Drawing together 25 regional community presidents and leaders from other advocacy groups, Mary Waskowiak, RSM, President of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas said, “Use your influence and your vote to change economic and trade policies that force people to leave their countries to seek the basic needs for survival.”

The Dominican Justice Promoters Immigration Committee
supported the efforts of the Bishops and Sisters of Mercy in their visits to Capital Hill by adding their statement:

Dominicans throughout the US support the McCain-Kennedy version of the Senate legislation and are encouraging citizens to push for comprehensive and fair immigration legislation reform. Dominicans have participated in the push to reform immigration legislation and are very concerned that the Congress will act in a posture that works against honest people who come to this country and who are not intent on crime or terror. We join the US Bishops in their efforts to obtain a just and fair reform of immigration law that does not punish those who are trying to assist people coming into this country seeking a better life.

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Immigration Advocacy Draws Catholic Leaders

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