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Ed Ruane, OP Begins Service as Socius (Assistant) USA

SANTA SABINA, Italy. October 16, 2006-- Former Provincial for the St. Albert Province, bro. Edward Ruane, OP, recently began his service as the assistant (socius) to the Master General of the Order, bro. Carlos Azpiroz-Costa, OP. When I met up with him at the Dominican Leadership Conference Annual Meeting in Sinsinawa, he talked about what it is like being in Santa Sabina.

"Its a great experience of international community; I live with two people from Sudan", he said. This is an amazingly rich experience and offers me a way to be very in touch with the global issues of the Order.

Even though at the time he was only on the job about three weeks, Ed seemed at ease with the prospect of being part of the international Dominican scene.

He said that being in mission is to be wherever it takes you, doing what you can do and not what you hope to do. "Its very important that Dominican women and men work together", he said. We really must act out of an interdependence and collaboration. Dominicans are at their best when they work together to bring the Word.

We wish Ed all the best in his new ministry.

Anne Lythgoe, OP

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