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Ordination and Lay Professions Celebrated in Toronto

TORONTO, CANADA-- [November 27, 2006] With great joy the Dominican Friars of Toronto celebrated the ordination of Darren J. Dias, OP, on November 11, 2006. The ceremony was held at St. Basil's Church on the University of St.
Michael's College campus and was presided over by the Most Reverend Vincent Darius, OP, Bishop of St.-George's-in-Grenada. Fr. Darren was presented as a candidate by Yvon Pomerleau, OP, Prior Provinvial of St. Dominic of Canada, and the testimony on behalf of the people was provided by Sr. Anne Anderson, CSJ, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of St. Michael's College, where Fr. Darren is currently a doctoral candidate in systematic theology.

At the same ceremony, following communion, six Lay Dominicans made profession: Cornelia Chua (life), Nieves Cruzada (life), Andrea Di Giovanni (first profession, three years), Konrad Hanz (first profession, three years), Nita Umali (life), Ellen Van Liefland (one year).

The celebration was followed by a reception and meal at St. Michael's College. Fr. Darren celebrated mass the next morning at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at the Newman Centre at the University of Toronto.


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